Bacterial diseases: the role of vaccines and nutraceutical foods

Fish pathogens have diverse origins, including viruses, bacteria and parasites. Such agents can increase their pathogenicity when immune protection decreases due to stressful conditions that affect the animal’s physiology and weaken its immune system.

On the other hand, bacterial resistance to treatment with antibiotics is on the rise, as reported for more than 20 years and observed in the field today.

All of these points emphasise the importance of vaccination’s role in the prevention of various diseases, including pasteurellosis, which caused high mortality on several Mediterranean farms this summer.

Generally, the vast majority of commercially available vaccines offer protection against bacterial pathologies caused by gram-negative bacteria, such as Listonella anguillarum, Photobacterium damselae, Streptococcus spp., and Tenacibaculum maritimum. However, they can provide limited protection that does not cover the entire production cycle.

For this reason, at Dibaq, one of our priorities is offer products that keep fish in optimal health and strengthen their defences so they can complete their cycle with minimal issues. This is achieved through the use of nutraceuticals in food that naturally strengthen the fish’s immune system. In addition, nutraceutical additives stimulate the epithelial regeneration of the intestinal mucosa, where the first barrier of the fish’s natural immunity is found. This largely prevents potential dysbiosis, which causes imbalance in the bacterial flora of the intestine and the proliferation and entry of pathogenic bacteria.

In conclusion, a nutraceutical diet can help the immune system and prevent intestinal dysbiosis, leading to better absorption and use of food.

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